Thursday, March 11, 2010

Blogging ... What & Why?

After reading through our class blogs, I'm thinking that we need to try to get a better understanding of what blogging is, and why we are doing it. One definition that I found pretty good is this:

A place where numerous users can share, collaborate, and communicate thoughts, ideas, reflections, or questions. A place that presents a unique opportunity to ENGAGE each other using today’s technology.

Most of the students have done a good job of reflection on class activities, but I'm not seeing alot of the ideas or questions that might be floating around.
I would like to the blogs develop a personality that would be unique to the blogger. I'm looking forward to seeing some great improvements/additions to the blogs in the next few weeks.


  1. To make my blog better is to write alot of details like you do and put pictures on it

  2. the definition really helped me im going to ask questions that i have i thought we just said what we were doing but now that i know we can ask questions to and that will help me out alot.

  3. I am going to make my blogs more interesting and explain in more detail.

  4. I will try to explain with more detail in my blogs about the topic we are blogging about.

  5. I need to create more ideas or questions in my head, so I can make a better blog. I could make more details on my blogs that I'm going to make in the future.

  6. I think that if I look at other blogs that have been created or done by other kids it will help me with my blog.

  7. Mrs. Frenzel
    I think I need to ask some questions to really get the people that are reading my blog involved in it. I also think that pictures will really draw the reader into my blog. I need to treat my blog like I would a dairy(sort of)I would put my thoughts and ideas and other things. Thank you for this great advice!

  8. The defintion is really good and explains what we are supposed to do. From now on i am going to make my blogs more interesting and explain to make my posts good.

  9. I will put more information on my blog and do more on my page.

  10. To make my blog more interesting I'm going to try to bring more excitement to them. I think bringing more excitement to my blogs will make the people reading them more interested in what I have to say.

  11. I need to make mor questions in my head. I could think of more ideas and what I should write about more in my blogs.

  12. I think that we need to add more detail and a pic ever once in a while and to write more.

  13. I think if I look at my classmate's blogs and blogs made by kids from other schools it will help my blog.

  14. I think if I look at other peoples blogs in this class, or other schools, it will help me when I do my blogs in the future..

  15. i need to put more details in blog post to help it
