Thursday, April 15, 2010

Need Help? Look AROUND!

The past few days I've watched the class go from confused, to frustrated, to determined. I've also watched you help each other over the rough spots. That's been the best part. Learning Flash and how to code to create the Game Demo has been quite challenging for all of us. Mrs. Forinash has been a great leader, and shown all of us the steps that she's worked through.
I wanted to blog about all of the HELP that you have available, just as a reminder that you are not in this alone. First of all, you have YOURSELF...take advantage of what you can learn by working through the tutorials that are on the wiki; then you have EACH OTHER...if you figure out how to add an action, or how to insert a frame and your team mate is having trouble, BE A's fun! Then I think we can all appreciate the Globaloria Team, who are always just a click away at the HelpDesk. Meredith did an excellent job guiding us through the Game Skeleton. Thanks Bunches to Meredith.
So gang, you're looking GOOD...and getting better every day. Keep up the hard work!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

WOW! I'm so Impressed

Since I only get to meet with the Globaloria class a few days a week, I'm always anxious to see what's been going on, and what progress has been made on the games. Well, today the teams just blew me away! Mrs. Forinash led me to each team where I got an over-view of what their games will be like and how the paper proto-types are coming along. I'm so proud of this class! They have already surpassed anything that I thought could be done in a single semester. The game ideas are awesome, the drawings are impressive, and the recordings that i saw were very well done. I think I was most impressed by the game concepts and how they reflect the team members. Great job class! Keep up the good work!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

How to be a Good Team Member

Think about the qualities that make a good team member. I came across this website, "Ten Qualities of an Effective Team Player" and thought about how these qualities pertain to the teams that you will be working in as you create your Globaloria game. Here is a brief list of those qualities:
1. Demonstrates reliability
2. Communicates constructively
3. Listens actively
4. Functions as an active participant
5. Shares openly and willingly
6. Cooperates and pitches in to help
7. Exhibits flexibility
8. Shows commitment to the team
9. Works as a problem-solver
10.Treats others in a respectful and supportive manner

Think about these qualities and how you can make sure that you are being an effective team member. You can find additional details on each of these qualities by visiting:

Sunday, March 14, 2010

And We're Off!

I hope that all of you are as anxious as I am to see the "games begin". This week will see teams being formed, ideas being presenting, and pieces of the learning puzzle starting to come together. I have been so impressed with the blogs and the wikis, that I'm certain the games will be above and beyond what we had imagined. Mrs. Forinash has been such a wonderful guide and teacher, I have learned much from her also.
What are your expectations for this week? Did you find the homework assignment easy to do? Are there any feelings of anxiety as we get involved in the "meat and bones" of this project? Share your thoughts with me and others. I know that together we'll create great things!

To help put this project into prospective, watch this video that will explain a little more about Globaloria!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Blogging ... What & Why?

After reading through our class blogs, I'm thinking that we need to try to get a better understanding of what blogging is, and why we are doing it. One definition that I found pretty good is this:

A place where numerous users can share, collaborate, and communicate thoughts, ideas, reflections, or questions. A place that presents a unique opportunity to ENGAGE each other using today’s technology.

Most of the students have done a good job of reflection on class activities, but I'm not seeing alot of the ideas or questions that might be floating around.
I would like to the blogs develop a personality that would be unique to the blogger. I'm looking forward to seeing some great improvements/additions to the blogs in the next few weeks.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Using Other People's Work!?

As you are looking for sounds and pictures to use with game, please be aware of the laws of copyright. The sites that you are looking at will have disclaimers that state whether or not those works are free for you to use. Violating a copyright is a serious offense, so be knowledgeable and respectful of other people's works and creations.

Also, you will need to be able to give credit to those that you use in your game!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Images & Sounds

To help you as you gather images and sounds for your game, I've found a few sites that might have what you are looking for. Check 'em out! Keep in mind copyright laws!!


Discovery Education ClipArt
School Clip-Art


Sound Effects and Music
Images, Audio & Video Clips - Game Sounds

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Social Issues - Class Brainstorming

Tuesday, March 2, the class spent some time brainstorming about different social issues that would make good game topics. Here is a list of what we discussed:

1. Economy (rising prices, investments)
2. Fund raising for the less fortunate
3. Environment concerns (Pollution, global warming)
4. Poverty (health care, nutrition)
5. Drugs (teen-age users)
6. Teen pregnancy
7. Bullying
8. Social networking pitfalls

Friday, February 26, 2010

We Shall Overcome the Snow!

I think we've all had a lot of time to think about all the fun things that we are looking forward to doing in our Globaloria class once we get back to a regular schedule. I'm really hoping that the enthusiasm that our students displayed has survived the blizzards and cold recess.
I have found myself enjoying the solitude of a snow day and a good book. I just don't think that any of us can fret over what days we've lost, but plan on what we need to accomplish when the snow clears.
I'm hoping that our students are looking forward to moving on with this program and have had time to think about game ideas and play some of the games that are already posted.

Friday, January 29, 2010

1st Week of Globaloria classes

This has been a great 1st week for our Globaloria class. I've been so impressed by our students. They are interested, good listeners, excellent problem-solvers! Mrs. Forinash and I both feel that the class has exceeded our expectations for this week. They now have their own wiki established, have posted a video on it, they each have a blog set up, and are posting. We have allowed the students to work with partners on some of these projects and help each other. That has been a good experience for all.

I'm looking forward to next week and to the progress that we'll make then. I'm finding myself much more comfortable with the platforms.

This is the first 5 day week we've had for a while, so I think everyone is looking forward to some R&R this weekend~ Stay Warm!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Globaloria Presentations

Mrs. Forinash and myself got a good taste of being the students this past weekend when we attending the Globaloria workshop in Charleston. Being new to the program, we both had to work really hard to complete our assignments. It was stressful and exciting at the same time. Learning new things can be so exciting, but it can also be stressful until that lightbulb goes off and things become more clear.
We were put on a team with another middle school teacher. Our team name was G-Tech Middlers. We were lucky that our team mate had been in the Globaloria program for a semester already, so she was able to help us alot with the flash programming. Our game is called "Homeless Solutions" and deals with math concepts and the social issue of homelessness. I hope that our students will have an opportunity to play to this game and even help us to make improvements.